The circuit of this project is an improved version of the circuit Sound/Voice transmission through IR. The disadvantage of the earlier circuit is the small range. [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]This circuit has a better range as it uses a better transmitter with an additional amplifying unit before transmitting the electrical signals through IR LED.The transmitter part of this circuit is made using a microphone, BC 547 transistors, op-amp, resistors and capacitors. Added to this the aforementioned IR LED which finally transmits the data (in the case: music) to the receiver.On the other hand, the receiver section uses a TDA 2007 IC which is a dual power audio amplifier. It is aided by a receiver diode, a few capacitors, resistors and speakers. Keep on reading to find out how the circuit is constructed and how it works.
Music (Data) transfer by IR and Audio Amplifier TDA2007
A lot of application needs wireless transmission of sound/voice signals. This interesting circuit based project presents a mechanism to transmit voice/sound signals [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]on a wireless medium. The transmission takes place through IR. The circuit can be described in two parts: transmitting unit and the receiving unitThe transmitting unit consists of a sound sensor (condenser mic) which converts the sound signal captured into weak electrical signals and an amplifying circuit to amplify the weak signals. The amplified signals are given to an IR LED for transmission.These signals are received by the IR receiver in the receiving unit and amplified using a sound amplifier IC TDA 2007. The output is then fed to the speaker. Keep on reading to find out how the circuit is constructed and how it works.