It is very simple and easy to construct a project on electronic dice circuit that will display random numbers from 1 to 6 on the 7 segment display. It is based on [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]IC CD4017 and NE555. This is an alternative device that can be used to replace the traditional dice when playing games such as snake ladder, monopoly etc. While NE555 is a well known multivibrator IC, CD4107 is a medium speed Johnson Counter that works at 10MHz and has 8 decoded ouptuts. The clock pulse is provided by the 555 astable circuit at about 5 KHz for the 4017 counter which contains ten outputs (Q0 to Q9). Each output becomes high when the clock pulses are received by them. As only six outputs (Q0-Q5) are needed so Q6 is connected to reset. Appropriate outputs are connected through the diodes so as to supply the LEDs: for example Q1, Q3 and Q5 are combined for LED 1.