The gamepad is a simple circuit built on a breadboard with few buttons, LEDs and a resistor array. There are eight general purpose IO pins on the 13*2 pin connectors of the Raspberrypi board and among them four pins has been selected as input and then remaining four pins as output. The input pins are connected to push button and are pulled down using 1K resistors. The output pins are connected to the LEDs through another set of 1K resistors. For this project the Raspberry pi board is loaded with Ubuntu and is remotely accessed using VNC. To access the pins that coming out of the Broadcom controller the C library “bcm2835” has been downloaded and installed. This article focuses on how to add sound to a game that is coded to be played with a Raspberry pi gamepad.
Simple Raspberry Pi Game Pad for Ball Catching Game – (Part 36/38)
Raspberry Pi is provided with a RCA connector which can be used to connect it directly to a TV screen which is based on PAL and NTSC standard. The board also has a HDMI connector output which can be used to connect the board to a HD TV. One can also use remote login to access the Raspberry pi and view the GUI (Text User Interface) on the PC screen. The Raspberry pi board is also very easy to interface with external devices or circuits through its pin outs. This makes the Raspberry pi a suitable platform for playing and developing interesting games.This article discusses how to develop a simple graphical game using the HTML5 and JavaScript language and to interface it with an external custom made game pad hardware connected to the pins of Raspberry pi board.
Playing Snake Game using Raspberry Pi Game Pad- (Part 38/38)
This article discusses about how to develop simple game pad hardware and interface it with the Raspberrypi board and also about the technique of interfacing a game code written in HTML5 with the game pad. Here a Snake game written in HTML5 and JavaScript is modified in such a way that it can be played with the new game pad having four push buttons. In this project the techniques of signals, pipe, fork etc. are used get the game running. The Snake game running on a browser window forms the GUI or front end of the entire system. In a Linux operating system each hardware device is represented as a file. In this project there is game pad which is the hardware and there is a process which reads from the game pad and there is also a Pipe file or FIFO in-between the game and the game pad reading process.