Ever wanted to gift something “Electronically Special” to your loved ones? This article will show you how to make such gift in an Engineer’s style. All we need is a 555 Timer IC and a couple of other electronic components to make this LED Heart Flasher.Basically, the 555 Timer IC is made to work as an “Astable Multi-vibrator” here. We need at least 12 LEDs to make the shape of a heart and a 555 IC is not capable of directly driving 12 LEDs at a time. So that is why we have used a medium power transistor 2N3019 which can drive loads up to 1 Ampere. The transistor works as a switch here and the output from the 555 IC provides the switching signal to the transistor. We’ll be driving the circuit using 6 volts.And one more advantage of this circuit is that you can customize the frequency and Pulse width of the signal by changing the value of the resistors and capacitors