Using remote control for home appliances is a great choice. They can be used to on and off the appliances like TV, AC, DVD player, motor etc with the help of our TV remote. LEDs can be used to on and off. IF LED1 is glowing, it means device is off and if LED2 glows than the device connected is on. This is a low cost circuit is based on the CD4017 counter IC which receives trigger pulse from IR sensor and switch on the relay. Since, the device is connected to relay it is also switched on.Upon receiving the second pulse motor become off. You can control your toy car from 5 meters range. This is a simple circuit based on infrared sensor IC TSOP1738. TSOP1738 contains photo detector and pre-amplifier both in one package. It is a three terminal device. Pin 1 is for ground, Pin 2 is for power supply and pin 3 is used as output.
Three Phase Appliance Protector
INTRODUCTION Many of our costly appliances require three-phase AC supply for operation. Failure of any of the phases makes the appliance prone to erratic functioning and may even lead to failure. Hence it is of paramount importance to monitor the availability of the three-phase supply and switch off the appliance in the event of…
IR Remote Control for Home Appliances
This is first and most popular application of multichannel IR remote control where microcontroller 89C51 is used to switch ON/OFF four different home appliances (like tubelight, bulb, night lamp etc.). One can connect any device which has ON/OFF operation and which works on available domestic supply. The figure in circuit diagram tab1 shows circuit diagram of…