Infineon Technologies has announced its new PSoC 4100S Max family. It features expanded Flash memory and general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIO) for next-generation human-machine interface (HMI) applications to support the fifth-generation CAPSENSE touch sensors. Available in 7×7, 10×10, and 14×14 mm² packages, PSoC 4100S Max with CAPSENSE technology is ideal for industrial control, automotive HMI, home automation,…
New maXTouch KoD controller enables innovative HMI solutions
Many automotive and industrial touch human-machine interface (HMI) designers are looking to merge the benefits of a mechanical rotary encoder input with the flexibility of modern multi-touch displays. To this end, Microchip Technology is announcing the maXTouch Knob-on-Display (KoD) family of touchscreen controllers. This is the first automotive-grade touchscreen controller family to natively support the…
Microchip adds to its safety-certified family of maXTouch touchscreen controllers
Networked and connected home appliances enable users and manufacturers to communicate with them via the internet. For example, the user of a kitchen oven might look up a new recipe online or a manufacturer might perform remote diagnostics or over-the-air firmware updates. Displays and touch sensors are essential for enabling this functionality in modern appliances.…