Embedded device, Networked sensor and actuators form the ground for IoT. An Embedded developer look IoT (Internet of Things) as area full of opportunity. IoT is not limited to any particular domain or business. IoT involves all the device which have a unique ID and can be configured with address to locate them. For An embedded developer IoT is not just limit to a single area, an embedded developer can design, develop & program, configure, debug and reprogram any device.
What is BITCOIN and how does it work?
Bitcoin is a crypto-currency which provides a way to send money between point A & B with zero cost, with complete transparency without any clannishness. I used “internet of money” for defining Bitcoin because as in 1990s, internet was new for people & there were very few person who understood how it worked. The same applies here as I can hardly describe Bitcoin without using terms like Cryptography, crypto-currency. Similar to internet, nobody controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part.Bitcoin transactions are verified by Bitcoin miners which have an entire industry and Bitcoin cloud mining options.