Digital circuit design is a critical part of electronics. In fact, most electronic components are digital electronic circuits. Even simple integrated circuits (ICs) contain thousands or hundreds of thousands of transistors. Microprocessors and microcontroller ICs typically have millions or billions of transistors. Most ICs are produced in fabs, but digital circuit designs can be made…
Qualcomm partnering with Meta to enable on-device AI applications
Qualcomm Technologies and Meta are working to optimize the execution of Meta’s Llama 2 large language models directly on-device — without relying on the sole use of cloud services. The ability to run generative AI models like Llama 2 on devices such as smartphones, PCs, VR/AR headsets, and vehicles allows developers to save on cloud…
Is Sanskrit an ideal language for knowledge representation in AI?
It’s been suggested for decades that Sanskrit might be the ideal language for knowledge representation in artificial intelligence (AI). This is because of Skaskrit’s rule-heavy and formula-based syntax, which makes it a logical and excellent choice for writing algorithms. But is this true? Let’s investigate. Origin The claims that Sanskrit is one of the best…
Infineon is first major semiconductor manufacturer to officially support Rust
The development of secure systems is critical for the automotive market. The Rust programming language — with its built-in support for memory-safe software development — is an important enabler for the design of mission-critical automotive software. Infineon Technologies is taking the first step, creating a Rust ecosystem in the embedded sector. This makes the company…
Code Flow Control in C Language
1)Introduction A programmer can control code flow in a C code using several techniques. Before start coding one should have an idea about the code flow for that particular code. Code flow is purely the logic required for the program. The programmer converts the logic into C code, and he may use the code…