Scientific calculators are more of a habit for any engineer. Loaded with features that can solve complicated trigonometric, logarithmic and exponentia. The first scientific calculator was released in late 1960s by Hewlett Packard and numerous electronic manufacturers followed suit. Initially expensive and feature restricted, engineers have continually crammed more and more features into that little space as the semiconductor manufacturing industry continues to mature.Most of the scientific calculators, irrespective of the manufacturer, come in a hard plastic casing as shown above. The layout of the buttons is neat and ergonomic so that calculators can be used for long time without posing any risk of strain to the wrist and also ensuring correct key stroke each time, irrespective of the finger size pressing them.Let’s find out what makes this small sized gadget tick.
Insight – How LCD works
LCD, an acronym for Liquid Crystal Display revolutionized the modern display technology with its compactness and versatility. Today it is seen embedded in various electronic gadgets and devices like T.V., Computers, Laptops, Watches, etc. A Liquid crystal coating is the heart of the display which is sandwiched between two polarized glasses. LCD’s are available in various shapes and sizes depending on the configurations. A 16×2 LCD shown in the image below can display 32 characters with 16 characters in each row. It is capable to display any character with ASCII values ranging from 0 to 255.