In old days when modes of transportation were not there, people used to walk to the places they wanted to reach. For transportation of goods, bullock carts, camels, horses, etc. were often used. All this was meeting the mobility requirements as the settlements were not too dispersed. With the rapid advancement in the development of tall building and public facilities, it became paramount to address the need to transportation of pedestrians and also of goods. With multi-storeyed buildings or large shopping complexes or airports, it is unreasonable to expect the user to travel across the buildings/ public facilities by means of walking alone, at least not in a timely manner. Towards this end, innovations sprung up facilitating movement of pedestrians as well as goods in large shopping malls, multi-storeyed residential buildings, airports and other public facilities.
Lift Overload Indicator
Embedded Systems are widely used nowadays. Applications of the embedded system are innumerable. One such application as discussed here is Lift Overload Indicator. As the name implies, it restricts the elevator from transporting a number of people above the maximum prescribed limit.The indicator used here is RGB led to indicate the warning signs. Moreover, it also displays the net number of people in the elevator using an LCD in 4-bit mode. The counting of the person is accomplished by using two IR sensors. We know that using the three primary colours Red, Blue and Green, any secondary colour can be obtained. The RGB led uses the same principle. Different colours are generated by mixing of different intensities of the three primary colours. Keep on reading to find out how the project is assembled and tested.