Computer vision is reaching new levels, far beyond basic image processing. This is thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence. AI now enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images that can be used in advanced industries. Currently, one of the most common applications is in security and surveillance. A computer vision…
What are the top tools for developing embedded software?
The embedded software or firmware is the brain of an embedded device. However, this type of software works differently than the conventional ones on PCs or mobile devices — which are generic and work identically on such operating systems. PC software runs without directly accessing the underlying hardware. The purpose of embedded software works in…
Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using MATLAB
The aim of this project is to review the current state of the art in content-based image retrieval(CBIR), a technique for retrieving images on the basis of automatically-derived features such as color, texture and shape. Our findings are based both on a review of the relevant literature and on discussions with researchers in the field.The need to find a desired image from a collection is shared by many professional groups, including journalists, design engineers and art historians. While the requirements of image users can vary considerably, it can be useful to characterize image queries into three levels of abstraction: primitive features such as color or shape, logical features such as the identity of objects shown and abstract attributes such as the significance of the scenes depicted. While CBIR systems currently operate effectively only at the lowest of these levels, most users demand higher levels of retrieval.
Traffic Surveillance System using MATLAB and Arduino
In present times increasing Traffic is adding to the big woes of developing cities. The main roads are packed with vehicular traffic on each and every road or a traffic signal (Intersection Points). One comes across the common problem of traffic jams on almost all Traffic Junctions which is even critical if you go to big cities. A lot of time, energies besides precious fuel is wasted just because of these Traffic Jams on the roads.To solve this problem Traffic Cameras are used over Traffic Intersection points. Traffic Cameras capture the image of vehicles in traffic and sends to MATLAB. Here in this project Traffic Surveillance System is demonstrated by way of how the traffic could be controlled over traffic intersection points from the Traffic Control Room. This is a very effective system for Traffic Surveillance.
Home Automation using Arduino and MATLAB
In present time home office appliance controlling is common thing. Today for controlling home/offices appliances, machineries in companies/industries uses different types of automation systems like DTMF controlled, GSM controlled and many others. So here this project is made for interfacing MATLAB (Graphic User Interfacing) and Home/office/industries automation using Arduino and MATLAB.Here MATLAB is interfaced with Arduino through serial communication. In this arduino is burned with an ARDUINO IO (Also Known As: “TETHERED” MATLAB SUPPORT PACKAGE FOR ARDUINO). This package allows using an Arduino connected to the computer to perform Analog and Digital Input and Output, (and command motors) from MATLAB.
Pulse Code Modulation and Line Coding Techniques using MATLAB
Pulse code modulation is a form of information conversion from discrete to digital. Pulse code modulation is used in almost all modern communication systems and is essential for digital communication. Each sampled value is given in the form of a discrete signal, converted to its binary equivalent, and coded in the form of zeros and ones. There are different types of pulses used for coding ones and zeros. In the following program the user is asked to select the pulse which will then be used to modulate the incoming digital signal. Each discrete signal consists of a set of values. In order to convert this signal into digital form, each discrete value must be represented as its binary equivalent. This binary number can be of any number of bits, where a greater number of bits means better accuracy, but also increased memory and bandwidth usage.
Introduction to Image Processing
Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform some operations on it, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal dispensation in which input is image, like video frame or photograph and output may be image or characteristics associated with that image. The image processing is not just confined to area that has to be studied but on knowledge of analyst. Association is another important tool in image processing through visual techniques. So analysts apply a combination of personal knowledge and collateral data to image processing.
Arduino Modelling in MATLAB-Simulink
SIMULINK is a block diagram based tool, in which there’s no requirement to write a code in C or so, rather the block diagram model is directly converted and uploaded to the board by MATLAB tools. To begin with we will generate an LED Blink code and run it on Arduino-UNO.But Before getting to it, you need to check for some pre-requisites. Your Computer must have Matlab-R2013 or above, (This tutorial is on MATLAB-R2014a). If you have Student version of MATLAB -2013 or 2014, it will do.