‘And then the troops, unnoticed, surrounded whole of the desert city in that dark night, which certainly was all green for them’, we must have come across such lines in some or other war related article. Well, as quite a number of people do know that what does the word “green” here refers to, very few are able to tell the deep insights about it. This article takes every inch of that green and explains its cause, the night vision technology. Night vision technology, as the name suggests, is the expertise that makes us capable to see in the night without using any external light source such as a torch or a lamp. Highly advanced light sensitive cameras are used in this technology that produce clear visible images at night which the naked eye can’t do.
Infrared Imaging or Thermal Imaging
Rainbows have always fascinated human curiosity. The appearance of various colors in the sky out of basically nothing was something science had been trying to understand from a very early stage. It was when Newton discovered the visible spectrum that other scientist got some firm footing to explore the deep chasms on the edges of the visible spectrum. The visible spectrum is just a small fraction of wide electromagnetic spectra which extends both above and below it, much beyond the ocular limits of the human eye. When scientists started experimenting with the infrared light, they realized that there was an immense potential in this particular band for seeing things much beyond the realms of visible spectrum, owing to its greater penetrability and thermal properties. Infrared imaging evolved as a result of continual effort towards harnessing the power of infrared.