An amplifier is a circuit which can produce an output voltage, which is the product of input voltage with a value called voltage gain. An op-amp (operational amplifier) is a kind of amplifier circuit which can perform an operation (addition, subtraction etc.) on the input voltages, apart from simply amplifying the input. It is an electronic…
Op-amp Tutorial 2 : Features of inverting and non-inverting input and application
Features of inverting and non-inverting pins The dependency of the output with the inverting and non-inverting pin can be simply explained as below, If the inverting pin is high compared to other pin, the output is negative If the non-inverting pin is high compared to other pin, the output is positive This pecularity of…
Op-amp Tutorial 3 : Astable multivibrator, negative feedback
Astable multivibrator using op amp Astable multivibrator is an electronic device which can continuously shift between its two states with respect to the output. If the output corresponding to one particular state is high, then the output corresponding to the other state is low. This nature of the circuit is useful in producing continuous output…
Op-amp Tutorial 4 : voltage follower, loudness & level indicator, comparato
Op amp as a Voltage follower Voltage follower is a negative feedback op-amp amplifier circuit. It acts like emitter follower configuration of transistor based amplifiers. They provide unity gain to the applied input signals. Unity gain means the output voltage will be exactly equal in magnitude with the input voltage. Fig. 1: Circuit Diagram of…
Waveform generator using LM741
The circuit presented here in this project generates two different types of wave forms using two OP-AMP chips LM741. It generates square wave and triangular wave. These waveforms can be applied as input to any other circuit to test their operation. Like square wave can be applied to any digital device as pulse input and triangular wave can be given to sweep frequency generator that will generate different frequencies (frequency sweep from min to max) as positive (or negative) ramp of triangular wave is applied.
Analog Color Sensor – An OP-AMP Application
When light falls on any object it reflects back the color of light that the object represents, White light is comprised of red, blue and green color .Similarly white color is the combination of red blue and green dyes, pertaining to this fact if a light is directed on an unknown color X the light it will reflect back will be the same as its color ,So if we shine a red light individually on the color ,the light it will reflect back will be proportional to the intensity of red color in the object.We have made a sensor that houses three compartment with isolated the sample from ambient light and shines Red ,Blue and Green colored light individually .It also measures the light intensity response by using an LDR.