Processing is a Java based open source programming language and IDE (Integrated development environment) used for writing and running programs on a computer. The main advantage of Processing is that it allows people with less or no knowledge on programming also to learn programming easily and become experts. Processing accomplishes this by providing numerous examples and tutorials pre-loaded in the software itself. What we will use Processing is for letting our development board (Arduino/ ATmega8 Dev. Board/ ATmega16 dev. board) to communicate with the PC/ Laptop running Processing. Well basically it starts a serial communication with the device connected at the COM port mentioned by us. Then it continuously sends the character “H” (if the mouse pointer is on the rectangle) or “L” (if the mouse pointer is moved away from the rectangle) to the device. The software and hardware requirements of this project are: PC/ Laptop running Windows 7/XP, Java Development Kit 7, Processing 2.0 or above.