8255 is general purpose programmable peripheral interface. It is used with many microprocessors and microcontrollers for various purposes. The device has three 8-bit ports port A, port B and port C. These ports can be used as input or output. These ports are further divided in to two groups A and B. Each group further…
555 Timer IC: Introduction, Basics & Working with Different Operating Modes
IC 555 timer is a well-known component in the electronic circles but what is not known to most of the people is the internal circuitry of the IC and the function of various pins present there in the IC. Let me tell you a fact about why 555 timer is called so, the timer got its name from the three 5 kilo-ohm resistor in series employed in the internal circuit of the IC. IC 555 timer is a one of the most widely used IC in electronics and is used in various electronic circuits for its robust and stable properties. It works as square-wave form generator with duty cycle varying from 50% to 100%, Oscillator and can also provide time delay in circuits. The 555 timer got its name from the three 5k ohm resistor connected in a voltage-divider pattern.