In Electronic field voltmeters have found an essential place, Voltmeters are of two types AC &DC and here I have demonstrated a working AC Voltmeter. It has a large range from 0V to 1000V.The output is shown on 7 segment display.The main part of this project are :- Converting Circuit(For converting Ac to dc in range of 0-5V), ADC Interfacing(10 bit Inbuilt ADC of 16F676), 7 Segment Multiplexing.I have used PIC 16f676 microcontroller in this circuit. It has bridge rectifier which is made from diodes In4007.It convert Ac Voltage to Dc Voltage. Next is Voltage divider circuit which converts any voltage from 0 to 1000v to 0 to 5v range. It is made using two resistors and a potential meter in series. Next capacitor is used for removing ripples .the zener 5.1V is used for protection it will never give voltage to controller more than 5.1 V.