Here is the project of controlling a desktop computer with a remote control. The functions of a computer like opening and closing folders, opening media player and doing its operations, etc can be done from a distance. It requires a few hardware components to build. The project is to be interfaced with the desktop…
Remote Stepper Motor controller with LCD
Second application of IRRCS and probably the most interesting application because it includes everything remote control, 89C51 based stepper motor control, LCD display. 89C51 controls all three parameters (RPM, direction, no. of revolutions) of bipolar stepper motor and also indicates every action on LCD. Know how to interface LCD with microcontroller 89C51 Know how…
IR Remote Control for Home Appliances
This is first and most popular application of multichannel IR remote control where microcontroller 89C51 is used to switch ON/OFF four different home appliances (like tubelight, bulb, night lamp etc.). One can connect any device which has ON/OFF operation and which works on available domestic supply. The figure in circuit diagram tab1 shows circuit diagram of…
Wireless Remote data monitoring System for Industries
In any industrial process there may be one or more physical quantities are to be measured simultaneously. In such cases it is required to take reading of their values at regular interval and for that a person has to seat there and monitor it continuously. If there are so many such processes then they require…
Remote DC Motor controller with Digital Display
This is bit little extension to previous 89C51 based DC motor controller. A digital speed indicator (seven segment displays) are connected to show speed variation. All other things remains same NOT gates, DC driver etc. Operation of 89C51 also changes as it will now work as serial data receiver. I suggest you if you do…
IR Remote for Toycar
This is a small but very interesting and funny project. We all may have played with the toy motorcar in our childhood. Now a days the toys which are available in the market are more attractive and more advance. One of the most interesting toy is remote-controlled motorcar or motorbike. The market price of such…
IR Remote Switch
This is a single channel IR remote control switch. If you are a beginner or interested in small, easy and cheap remote control then this is the best one. This may be the easiest remote control to build. Using this remote control you can operate (ON/OFF) a single device from a remote place. Device may…
IR Remote Control System
This one is the best IR remote control because it nullifies all the drawbacks of all above remotes. Micro-controller is used on both the sides so transmitter as well as receiver both is programmable. Maximum 64 different functions can be utilized with this IRRCS. Some of the applications that I have implemented using this IRRCS…
Remote Unipolar Stepper Motor Controller with 89C51
This is the third and most amazing application of multichannel IR remote where 4 different channels of remote are utilized to control all the parameters of unipolar stepper motor. All three parameters of stepper motor RPM, direction & no. of revolutions can be changed from remote. 89C51 takes care of all the controlling actions. If you have…
8 channel IR remote with SM5021B & SM5032C Chips
This is single chip remote because transmitter and receiver are made up of single chip SM5021B and SM5032C respectively. Both chips are perfectly design for IR remote system by “Samhop microelectronics corp.”. It is an 8 channel remote with 2 inbuilt on/off controls & 6 pulse outputs. Before starting the project first go through the datasheets of…
FM Remote for Toycar
This is very much interesting application and I think you will surly build it. Any battery powered toy car can be made to run or stop from a remote place (around 100 mts) using this remote. Because it is RF remote you can operate your toy car through the obstacles (like wall, partitions etc.). So it…