Finding a resistance is very easy all you have to do is only putting a particular type of resistors into it. What is resistance of the any given material? Resistance is the ability to stop down the flow of current through them. Which Theory used to find the resistance? Wheatstone bridge is used to find the resistance. What is Wheatstone bridge? Wheatstone bridge is an electrical circuit used to measure an unknown electrical resistance by balancing two legs of a bridge circuit, one leg of which includes the unknown component. Its operation is similar to the original potentiometer. It was invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 and improved and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1843. One of the Wheatstone bridge’s initial uses was for the purpose of soils analysis and comparison.
Insight – How Network Resistor Works
Network resistor is a passive circuit element that is a combination of multiple resistances. It forms a convenient solution when the user needs multiple resistances [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]while constructing a circuit. The manner in which the constituent resistances are combined can vary according to the circuit requirement. Hence, this type of resistor can be used to condense the circuit with additional benefits of low costs and improved resistance tolerance matching.This Insight covers an A103J 9 pin network resistor. It provides resistance from 10 Ohms to 4.7 Mega Ohms. The small size of the resistor makes it easy to connect to a circuit.In the 9 pinned structure of the resistor, the first pin serves as the common terminal while the other 8 represent resistances. The pin that has a dot or a similar marking (quadrilateral in this case) is the first pin of the resistor.
Insight – How Wire Wound Adjustable Rheostat works
Wire wound adjustable resistors or rheostats are high power rheostats that can provide variable resistances to the circuit over a certain range. Hence, these are widely used in those areas where circuits are often required to work at high temperatures. It differs from the potentiometer in terms of power handling capacity and construction. The outer appearance of a wire wound rheostat gives an impression of a hollow cylinder having two thin lead connections at the sides of its terminal and a horse shoe shaped metal slider that has a nut bolt assembly at its open end. The ceramic and the wire wound assembly over it are covered by silicone. This coating ensures that the rheostat is tolerant to temperature variations, moisture, and oil and is very well electrically insulated. A lead wire wounded on the ceramic rod serves as the variable resistor.
Insight – How Resistor works
Resistors are one of the most crucial parts of any circuit. They vary from micro-ohms to mega-ohms in terms of their value. Also, they come in various forms like embedded as a chip in an IC, can be a bare metal or can be in form of a conductive plastic. This Insight will give a detailed exploration of carbon film resistor which has a ceramic core. Resistor looks like a solid capsule with leads at both ends which are used to connect it to the circuit. It is interesting to know that the temperature coefficient is in ppm instead of being in °C . This can be explained using a simple example. Consider a resistor with a rating 30 ppm for its temperature coefficient. This means that for every 1°C rise in temperature, the resistance would not change more than 30/10000000 or 0.000030 ohms.
Resistor color code – 3, 4 ,5 and 6-band
Resistance is a passive component commonly used to restrict electric current. This article explains the resistor color code and how to measure resistance value. Every resistance follows a color coding scheme and its values is determined by decoding the colors which are marked on it. If you will look at any resistance you will find some colored…
Insight – How Preset works
Preset is a small variable resistor generally used to provide a variable resistance in a circuit in order to tune the circuit. They are directly mounted on the PCBs. A screwdriver or similar tool is required to adjust them.Working of presets is quite simple. It works by having a resistive track and a small plate having dents to short the track. This small plate can be rotated using a screw driver or some similar tool. Position of the dents on the track determines the amount of resistance that is to be used in the circuit.
Insight – How Potentiometer works
Potentiometer also known as pot is generally used in circuits to provide variable resistance or variable voltage. The heart of the potentiometer is a resistive strip inside it through which one can adjust the amount of resistance/voltage to pass in a circuit through it. When we rotate the external shaft, the position of the brush varies accordingly. The resistance applied in a circuit depends on the position of the brush. The brush is designed so as to connect the resistive strip to the middle terminal via inner conductive circular metal plate which in turn is connected to the middle terminal of potentiometer at every instant.