Need somewhere to secure a few items? No problem! In this project, we’ll design an RFID-based locker system that offers a reliable and convenient solution for securing objects using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Working operation: The RFID locker system The RFID reader scans a unique tag, and if it matches a pre-registered one, the…
Traffic Management for Emergency Vehicles using AT89S52 Microcontroller with RFID & IR Sensors
These days’ traffic congestion is the biggest problem of densely populated cities. The project focuses mainly on three areas – priority mechanism for emergency vehicles like Ambulances, Fire Engines to control the traffic density for their smooth passage and monitoring the traffic junction. This project is a replica of a four way lane crossing in real time scenario. The project proposes primarily the problems faced by emergency vehicles. RFID concept is used to make green for the Ambulances lane and thus providing a stoppage free way for the Ambulance.The secondary, importance is given to controlling the traffic density by placing IR sensors used to measure the density of vehicles which are fixed at a fixed distance. If the traffic density is high on particular side, more priority is given for the side where the vehicular traffic is more and green signal is given to this side of the traffic. By using this system traffic can be cleared without irregularities and time delays. A Wireless camera is used to monitor the vehicular traffic time and also monitor the problems which might occur at the junction. A specific allocation of time is given way for smooth passage for pedestrians.
STMicroelectronics and Feig collaborate on contactless NFC technology
STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor provider, and Feig Electronic, an RFID-reader and antenna specialist, have combined their RFID know-how in a time-saving logistics solution. It’s designed to cut costs and enhance flexibility for vendors of high-tech products, including smart industrial, consumer, and medical devices. Together, the companies have created a production-ready contactless system capable of personalizing…
RFID Based Attendance System using 8051 Microcontroller
This project named “RFID BASED ATTENDANCE SYSTEM” is based on RFID as the name suggests. In this project our aim is to make a note of every employee entering the room and also to calculate the amount of time person resides in room. Before company used to enter the data in register and it was bit clumsy. Company then thought of going for barcode but barcode was not that much durable? Barcode requires continuous line of sight, low data capacity, cannot be rewritten etc. due to this problems barcode cannot be used. So RFID is the solution of all problems. It is quite easy to work with. Tags con be reconfigured if read/write tags are used. Range can be improved by using high frequency reader. It can also add to security. By programming many other facilities can be added.
Passive RFID Tags
The passive RFID tags do not have any power source and hence they have indistinct operational life span. The power needed for functioning is taken from the reader when the tag comes in the vicinity of the reader. They are available in a variety of sizes ranging from sizes which can fit into adhesive label.…
RFID vs Barcodes
As far back as 1960s, the barcodes were used in industrial work environments. In the early 1970s, common barcodes started appearing on grocery shelves. To automate the process of identifying grocery items, UPC barcodes were placed on products and were used to mechanize the process of checking out in store. They are in use today…
Active RFID Tags
The active RFID tags have their own source of power. They can transmit stronger signals over long distances and can operate in rugged environment for many years. Because of the on-board source of power they are larger in size and expensive. Then too Active RFID and Real-Time Location solutions (RTLS) are saving millions of dollars…
Attendance Software using RFID Module
This application demonstrates a prototype attendance system using RFID and a software developed in C# .Net framework. The software interacts with the RFID reader through the serial port. The software has very limited functionalities. However it can be extended to a complex commercial application. The aim of this project is to show how RFID…
Insight – How RFID Tag works
RFID tag is a small device which stores and sends data to RFID reader. They are categorized in two types – active tag and passive tag. Active tags are those which contain an internal battery and do not require power from the reader. Typically active tags have a longer distance range than passive tags. Passive tags are smaller and lighter in size than the active tags. They do not contain an internal battery and thus depend on RFID reader for operating power and certainly have a low range limited up to few meters. There are two important components of a RFID tag – A microchip and a coil (antenna). The antenna receives power and RF signals from the RFID reader and sends those signals to the chip. The chip receives those signals, computes them and sends back the data to RFID reader. We can figure out the précised working of a RFID tag through this diagram.
Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Technology
Have you ever noticed a black magnetic stripe at the backside of our credit card? A number of thoughts run through your mind. For what purpose magnetic stripe is used? What information this stripe contains? Is the information only being read or the encoded information is copied? And, if information is saved, what could be the consequences? A thought like this inspire us to take a closer look at the card technologies and the family to which they belong- Automatic Identification and Data Capture technologies (AIDC). Answers to all these above mentioned questions are simple. The purpose for using magnetic stripe technology and in general, AIDC technologies, is to identify people or objects through machine automated process.
How to interface RFID with PIC18F4550 Microcontroller- (Part 15/25)
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification and Detection) is widely used everywhere from highly secured defense laboratories to school attendance system. By [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]employing RFID, much secured entry systems can be developed without incurring huge costs. These are the reasons of excessive use of RFID technology. In this article, interfacing of an RFID reader module has been explained with PIC18F4550. The USART interrupt, an internal PIC interrupt, has also been explained. (For more details on USART, refer PIC EUSART)As explained earlier (refer RFID interfacing with 8051 & with AVR), an RFID module consists of an RFID Reader, a line converter (usually MAX232) and a COM port. The line converter of this module converts the TTL logic voltage of RFID Reader to RS232 logic. Therefore, to convert the voltage level from such an RFID module, another MAX232 is used to interface it with a microcontroller. One can also use an RFID Reader directly to interface with the controller, thus avoiding the need of voltage level converters. Here both the MAX232s have been eliminated from the circuit and RFID reader is directly connected with the PIC microcontroller.
Simple toll plaza system using low frequency RFID interfaced with 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)
Electronic/automated toll collection systems are very popular these days. They do not require manual collection and operation of toll barriers. The details about [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]the vehicles and payment are stored in an RFID based system.This article explains the working of a simple toll plaza system interfaced with RFID. Each user holds a unique ID for his vehicle. When the user scans his tag while passing through the plaza, a certain amount is deducted from his account. A user may also recharge his account in case of insufficient balance. The project has been developed by interfacing RFID with AT89C51. The relevant messages are also displayed on a 16×2 LCD. The free source code for the program is available in C.Low frequency RFID work at 125 KHz frequency with radio waves. There is a coil inside the RFID tag and when it is influenced by a magnetic field, it sends a 12 byte identity code to RFID reader for further processing. The RFID tag is used as a unique identity for account of a particular user. When a vehicle drives through the toll plaza, its driver is prompted to scan his RFID tag. If the identity (serial number of the tag, i.e., 12 byte data) is matched with the one already stored in the system, the toll amount is deducted from his account. After this, the vehicle gets immediate access to drive through.
Interfacing RFID with 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51) using serial interrupt- (Part 35/45)
This topic covers the interfacing of RFID system with microcontroller through serial interrupt. An RFID system consists of a reader device and a transponder. A transponder or tag has a unique serial number which is identified by the reader. RFID tag is applied to products, individuals or animals to identify and track them through this number. The interfacing has been…
How to interface RFID with 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)- (Part 34/45)
An RFID (Radio-frequency identification and detection) reader is a device which is used to communicate with RFID tags by receiving and transmitting signals. These signals use radio waves for wireless communication. RFID tag is applied to products, individuals or animals to identify and track them. The identification is done through a unique serial number. This topic covers the…
RFID : An Overview
RFID is a tracking technology used to identify and authenticate tags that are applied to any product, individual or animal. Radio frequency Identification and Detection is a general term used for technologies that make use of radio waves in order to identify objects and people. Purpose of Radio frequency Identification and Detection system is to facilitate data transmission through the portable device known as tag that is read with the help of RFID reader; and process it as per the needs of an application. Information transmitted with the help of tag offers location or identification along with other specifics of product tagged – purchase date, color, and price. Typical RFID tag includes microchip with radio antenna, mounted on substrate.
RFID interfacing with AVR microcontroller (ATmega16) using interrupts- (Part 40/46)
This article covers how to extract and display the twelve byte unique tag ID received by RFID module on LCD using interrupt method. Before proceeding to this [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]article readers must have knowledge of serial interrupt and LCD. In the previous article of RFID, polling method was used where the microcontroller was continuously monitoring the RXC flag. Keeping the microcontroller busy in monitoring the flag is not a good programming technique, so instead of polling method a programmer should prefer using interrupts. Since the output data of the RFID module uses RS232 protocol and is serial in nature, serial interrupt is used to receive the twelve byte unique ID. Whenever an RFID tag comes in the proximity of the RFID reader module, the module transmits the twelve byte unique ID. Every time one byte of data is received, the controller is interrupted and the corresponding ISR gets executed, which stores the byte in a temporary variable and sends it to the LCD for display.
How to interface RFID with AVR microcontroller (ATmega16)- (Part 39/46)
Knowingly or unknowingly the RFID technology is used by us in our day to day life. The most familiar example is seen in MNCs, schools and offices for daily [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]attendance or automatic door opening system. The RFID contains two parts, namely, tag and receiver modem. When an RFID tag comes in the range of receiver, the tag gets activated and transmits its unique identification code to the receiver module.The output of the RFID receiver is the unique ID in either serial (RS232) or wiegand format. Most of the receivers are equipped with additional hardware to send the extracted code in the above format, which can then be used by digital signal processors. This article shows the interfacing of ATmega16 with RFID. The RFID module used here gives a 12 byte unique ID of a particular tag in serial RS232 logic level format. Hence a level converter MAX232 is used in between RFID receiver module and microcontroller. The connections of RFID module and ATmega16 are shown in the circuit diagram.
Attendance System using AVR and RFID
This project aims to automate the process of talking attendance on pen and paper and prevent any fraudulent entry. It uses RFID tags to record attendance. Each student is assigned a unique tag, which he/she is required to swipe over the reader to give his/her attendance. This system benefits both the teacher and student as its quick and hassle free. This setup can be used in any educational institution regardless of whichever board they follow. Data is stored in a CSV file which keeps track of each day’s attendance. The main component of the system is the RFID reader which transmits a 12-byte ASCII string via the TTL-level SOUT pin. This helps to identify a student from the rest, as each TAG generates a unique ASCII string. This String is then fed to the AVR’s RX line which processes it for marking his/her attendance.