RGB LED is a combination of three LEDs red-green-blue together. It has four terminals – either anode or cathode, and the other three are for these three colors. Interestingly, when two colors inside the LED are turned ON simultaneously, the LED gives a different color. Also, as the amount or intensity of any color in…
Controlling RGB LED colour using Atmega16- (Part 19/46)
This tutorial will give you a brief introduction to the concept of colors and how different colors can be produced using RGB LED. The color would be controlled using an ATMega16 microcontroller.RGB LEDs are basically the combination of the 3 LEDs (Red, Green and Blue) fused into a single package. It consists of four pins totally out of which three of them for the three different colors. The 4th pin is common for all three colors and it’s either Cathode or Anode.