This is a simple shooting game comprising of an infrared pulse emitter and receiver. There are 8 white leds and one green led which will light up periodically. The player has to shoot at the receiver when the green led lights up. This is a simple beginner’s project and can be used to make more complicated projects like “LASER TAG GAME”. Infrared gun (transmitter) for this electronic game is built around IC1 timer (NE555) wired as an astable multivibrator with a centre frequency of about 35 kHz. The receiver circuit has 3 main ICs – 2 NE555s (one wired as an astable multivibrator and the other for monostable operation) and 1 CD4017B (decade counter). These circuits can be modified to make “LASER TAG GAME”. Read more to find out how IC555 is used in this circuit and how it works.