Qualcomm Technologies and Mahindra & Mahindra, a pioneer in the SUV segment in India, announced the companies’ strategic collaboration to use the Snapdragon Digital Chassis Solution cloud-connected services platform — an integrated, flexible services suite for connected cars — for upcoming Mahindra’s range of authentic SUVs. As a key component of the cloud-connected services platform,…
BMW to integrate Snapdragon Digital Chassis
BMW Group and Qualcomm Technologies announced that they have extended their technology collaboration beyond driver assistance and automated driving technologies. The companies are bringing the latest Snapdragon Digital Chassis Solution advancements to power BMW Group’s new vehicles for safer, smarter, and more sophisticated experiences for drivers and passengers. Leveraging both companies’ expertise in innovation, BMW…
JLR vehicles to feature 5G, Wi-Fi, and C-V2X capabilities
Qualcomm Technologies and JLR announced that the companies will work together to bring 5G capabilities to select next-generation JLR vehicles across its brands Range Rover, Defender, Discovery, and Jaguar. As a part of JLR’s efforts in building a sustainability-rich vision of modern luxury by design, the ongoing technology collaboration between Qualcomm Technologies and JLR aims…