Controller is actually a combination of two circuits – driver circuit and Switching circuit. Driver is the actual circuit that drives DC motor and switching circuit decides how DC motor should be driven. So actually, switching circuit is the main circuit that controls the motor. Now there are two parameters of DC motor that can be controlled Speed and Direction.Changing the direction of DC motor is very simple just reverse the supply given to DC motor. For varying speed of motor you have to vary the applied DC voltage. One well known method widely used in industries is Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) speed control of DC motor also known as chopper control.
Speed Control Using PWM
Today’s industries are increasingly demanding process automation in all sectors. Automation results into better quality, increased production an reduced costs. The variable speed drives, which can control the speed of A.C/D.C motors, are indispensable controlling elements in automation systems. Depending on the applications, some of them are fixed speed and some of the variable speed drives. The variable speed drives, till a couple of decades back, had various limitations, such as poor efficiencies, larger space, lower speeds, etc., However, the advent power electronic devices such as power MOSFETs, IGBTs etc., and also with the introduction of micro -controllers with many features on the same silicon wafer, transformed the scene completely and today we have variable speed drive systems which are not only in the smaller in size but also very efficient, highly reliable and meeting all the stringent demands of various industries of modern era.
Speed Control of DC Motor Using PID Method
The development of high performance motor drives is very important in industrial as well as other purpose applications. Generally, a high performance motor drive system must have good dynamic speed command tracking and load regulating response. The dc motors are used in various applications such as defense, industries, Robotics etc. DC drives, because of their simplicity, ease of application, reliability and favorable cost have long been a backbone of industrial applications. The project provides the efficient and simple method for control speed of DC motor using ATMEGA16 microcontroller and L298N motor driver IC.With the use of ATMEGA16 and l298N we can drive the dc motor at desired speed having a feedback loop and in this project we have used proportional integral and derivative method in which errors are not only solved but also taken to its minimal value with very low amount of error oscillations.
Wireless speed control of AC motor using IR and ZCD (Zero cross Detector)
Here in this application, I will show you how we can control the speed of single phase 230V AC motor wirelessly using IC555. Along with IC555 I am using zero cross detector (ZCD) circuit to trigger the monostable and an optocoupler to trigger thyristor. Let us first see the block diagram of the AC Motor Speed Control System.
Wireless Stepper Motor Speed Control using Laser and IC555
An interesting project explaining how can one control speed of a stepper motor from a remote place without using any wires. A LASER and LDR are used for this purpose. From the transmitter, low frequency pulses are sent to the receiver using LASER diode. On the receiver side, a LDR will receive these pulses which will further trigger mono stable multi-vibrator to regenerate same pulses. These pulses will drive the stepper motor through driver circuit. So as anyone changes pulse frequency from transmitter, the stepper motor speed will change accordingly. The project uses a pulse generator, LASER, LDR, monostable multi-vibrator, current drive, stepper motor, counter and OR gates.
Speed Control of DC Motor
It is a simple circuit with the help of which you can control the speed of DC motor. You can also use it control the speed of windscreen wipers used in automobiles or it can be used in toys. Easy to install because of less components used and works well on wide range of power supply from 5V to 12V. This circuit is based on single IC that is NE555 which work as a-stable multi-vibrator. In this mode 555 timer is not stable and its output is continuously changes from low to high or from high to low. This continuous change from one state to another (high to low and then back to original state) produces a continuous square wave output.
Simple DC Motor Controller using 555 Timer IC
Controller is actually a combination of two circuits – driver circuit and Switching circuit. Driver is the actual circuit that drives DC motor and switching circuit decides how DC motor should be driven. So actually, switching circuit is the main circuit that controls the motor. Now there are two parameters of DC motor that can be controlled Speed and Direction.Changing the direction of DC motor is very simple just reverse the supply given to DC motor. For varying speed of motor you have to vary the applied DC voltage. One well known method widely used in industries is Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) speed control of DC motor also known as chopper control.