A microcontroller might need to store its data like sensor value, or a particular count or image data for a long period of time. The most common type of memory used with the microcontroller based systems is EEPROM. The EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory which is a kind of Read Only Memory (ROM), which can be written and erased by means of electrically programming and hence the name. Once programmed the data it will remain in the memory for a very long time even if there is no power available. EEPROM memory is widely used in microcontroller systems where some particular data need to be retained each time the system is turned on and to save particular data before the system is powered off.here are several EEPROM memory chips available which can be interfaced in a microcontroller based system with the help of serial communication protocols.
How to display text on 16×2 LCD using 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)- (Part 7/45)
Several electronic devices and projects require a message to be displayed in order to indicate their functioning. This topic explains how to display a message [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]](string) on 16×2 LCD by interfacing it to 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51). A single character can be displayed on LCD by properly configuring its data and command registers. A string is nothing but a sequential arrangement of several characters that can be displayed on LCD by using the following algorithm. Here P2 port of the microcontroller is used as output port which sends the data byte to data pins of the LCD. Read more to find out how LCD is interfaced with the microcontroller and how does the circuit work.