This multipurpose adjustable timer circuit will give you alarm after every specific interval of time. You can vary the time interval with the help of 8 way dip switch. Therefore this timer can be used in kitchen, or by students preparing for competitive exam. As many of us have habit to forget, to switch off button of gas, electric oven which lead to wastage of resources and your hard work. Now with the help of this circuit you will receive an alarm after specific time so that you can remember to off the device. Some other features of the circuit are: You can also use it as alarm to switch off the motor because while watching TV or talking over phone we forget to switch off the pump in that case also it will give an alarm. You can set the time period for coking also like we used to in microwave oven.
Timer Circuit using IC CD 4060
Several times we forget to switch off the gas, electric oven, stove or motor while watching TV or taking on the phone or while talking to a friend in your [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]neighborhood. To solve this problem we have described a circuit below which gives an alarm after the preset time interval selected by you. In this you can select 7 different time intervals with the help of a rotary switch. Therefore after a preset interval of time it will give a loud alarm and reminds you that you have to off your machine or gas.The timer circuit is built around the CD4060 which is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator. Its built in oscillator is main feature of this IC that’s why it can be used in numerous application like flasher, clock generator in timer circuits.
90 Second Timer
This timer circuit project is used to switch on and off the device for a fixed interval of time. In this case, it is taken to be 90 seconds, meaning that the device [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]periodically becomes on for preset amount of time and remains off for same period of time. It can be set with the help of a resistor and a capacitor.LM324 is able to provide high gains and works in a power efficient mode, thus one can power it using a battery. Using RC components for timing makes the calculations easier and also gives ability to alter the time period to a higher or a lower value. Continue reading to find out how the circuit is connected and how it works.
Adjustable Timer Circuit
This multipurpose adjustable timer circuit will give you alarm after every specific interval of time. You can vary the time interval with the help of 8 way dip switch. Therefore this timer can be used in kitchen, or by students preparing for competitive exam. As many of us have habit to forget, to switch off button of gas, electric oven which lead to wastage of resources and your hard work. Now with the help of this circuit you will receive an alarm after specific time so that you can remember to off the device. Some other features of the circuit are: You can also use it as alarm to switch off the motor because while watching TV or talking over phone we forget to switch off the pump in that case also it will give an alarm. You can set the time period for coking also like we used to in microwave oven.