This topic is an extension to Simple toll plaza system. The toll amount is charged based on the category of the vehicle driving through the plaza. The vehicle categories taken here are two-wheeler & four-wheeler. When a user scans his ID at the toll plaza, some amount is charged from his account depending upon his vehicle category. User also has the facility to recharge his account.The project has been developed by interfacing RFID with AT89C51. The relevant messages are also displayed on a 16×2 LCD. The free source code for the program is available in C.Simple toll plaza system charges the toll tax from the user irrespective of the type of his vehicle. This project also considers the vehicle type while charging the toll amount. The RFID tag is used as a unique identity for account of a particular user. When a vehicle drives through the toll plaza, its driver is prompted to scan his RFID tag. If the identity (serial number of the tag, i.e., 12 byte data) is matched with the one already stored in the system, the toll amount is deducted from his account. After this, the vehicle gets immediate access to drive through. All the features of the Simple toll plaza system are also provided in this project by interfacing RFID with AT89C51.
Simple toll plaza system using low frequency RFID interfaced with 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)
Electronic/automated toll collection systems are very popular these days. They do not require manual collection and operation of toll barriers. The details about [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]the vehicles and payment are stored in an RFID based system.This article explains the working of a simple toll plaza system interfaced with RFID. Each user holds a unique ID for his vehicle. When the user scans his tag while passing through the plaza, a certain amount is deducted from his account. A user may also recharge his account in case of insufficient balance. The project has been developed by interfacing RFID with AT89C51. The relevant messages are also displayed on a 16×2 LCD. The free source code for the program is available in C.Low frequency RFID work at 125 KHz frequency with radio waves. There is a coil inside the RFID tag and when it is influenced by a magnetic field, it sends a 12 byte identity code to RFID reader for further processing. The RFID tag is used as a unique identity for account of a particular user. When a vehicle drives through the toll plaza, its driver is prompted to scan his RFID tag. If the identity (serial number of the tag, i.e., 12 byte data) is matched with the one already stored in the system, the toll amount is deducted from his account. After this, the vehicle gets immediate access to drive through.