If you search on Google or youtube for LED chasers, you will find quite a bit of LED chasers. And here also, by just looking at the title, you will say, “one more LED chaser!!!!… Oh, No, please!!!!” But wait, wait, wait. This is somewhat different. Most of the LED chasers are of single colour…
Stepper Motor Angle Control using AVR Microcontroller
This project demonstrates how any device or object can be positioned to desired angle. The circuit presented here demonstrates how to position Stepper Motor at a specific Angle using AVR microcontroller. The desired Angle Position is entered by user and when He presses the button to rotate motor, the motor starts rotating and rotates till it reaches that angle. The angle can be entered in step of 15o between 0o to 360o. User can increment or decrement angle value in step of 15o and set the desire angle. Based on set angle motor rotates forward (CCW) or reverse (CW). Like if current motor angle is 60o and user enters 90o then motor rotates CCW and if user enters 30o motor rotates CW.