The doorbells are used to produce a ringing alert sound so that the resident comes to know that a visitor is there on the door. Many homes have two doors for entering. So at times it is confusing for the resident to find out on which door is the visitor present. This project on doorbell circuit produces two different sounds can be used simultaneously on both the doors. The project about doorbell circuit is made up of CMOS LSI designed UM3561 IC which consumes less power. It is commonly used in toys and alarm watches because of its low cost. A compact sound module can be constructed using this IC. It includes oscillator and selector circuit and only few components are required to be added externally. It also contains a programmed ROM to produce siren sound. Many other different sounds can be produced by referring the datasheet of UM3561. Similarly many other ICs are there to produce different sounds i.e. UM3481, UM3484, and UM34811.