Earphones/Earbuds have been assisting mobile gadgets since the invention of walkman. Though they account for hardly a few percentage of the cost of the entire device but their evolution over the time has never been an easy challenge for the engineers. Shape, size, comfort and sound quality are the key parameters while designing an earphone. From morning walk to making long journeys pleasant, ear phones cannot be kept out of the daily life.Technically speaking earphones falls in the category of transducers that convert electrical energy into sound energy. Undoubtedly, over the years companies have been adding more and more complex features in the earphones to improve the listening experience of the users. In this article we will explore more about the earphones.
Insight – How Speaker works
Technically we can define speaker, as a component which converts the electrical signals into the equivalent air vibrations to make audible sound. To understand the working of a speaker, we first need to understand the concept of sound. A sound is nothing but vibrations in air particles. When a sound source generates a sound, it generally makes a vibration in its surrounding air particles which finally reaches to our eardrum. Sound is characterized by the parameters like frequency, speed, fluctuation, pressure, etc. The speaker works on the same concept. The speaker works on the same concept. It produces vibrations in air particles in order to generate a sound. Let’s have a look to its outside formation