The objective of voting is to allow voters to exercise their right to express their choices regarding specific issues, pieces of legislation, citizen initiatives, constitutional amendments, recalls and/or to choose their government and political representatives. Technology is being used more and more as a tool to assist voters to cast their votes. To allow the exercise…
Electronic voting machine using seven segment multiplexing with 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)
This topic presents a basic approach to develop an electronic machine. The idea is to display the count of votes on a set of seven segment displays. A set of [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]switches are provided through which a user can cast vote. After every cast of vote, the subsequent count can be seen on the seven segments. The segments and switches are controlled through AT89C51. For every candidate, a segment has been provided.This voting machine is designed for four candidates. The provision of casting vote has been provided by means of four tactile switches. These switches take manual inputs from the user and transfer them to the pins of controller. Based on these inputs, the vote count for different candidates is increased by AT89C51.Read more to find out how to program and design such a circuit.
Electronic Voting Machine using LCD and 8051 microcontroller
Electronic voting machine has now replaced the traditional mechanism of voting due to several advantages like security, automatic counting etc. This project [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]presents a way to develop an electronic voting machine which displays the count of votes on a 16×2 LCD interface. A user can get his/her vote register through a set of switches (one for each candidate). After every cast of vote, the subsequent count can be seen on LCD. The circuit uses AT89C51microcontroller and the code for the project has been written in C. This LCD based electronic voting machine is designed for four candidates. The input part consists of a set of six tactile switches. The switches and 16×2 LCD are interfaced to microcontroller AT89C51 for various operations and displays.The provision of casting votes for the candidates has been provided through four of these switches. These switches are made active high and connected to pins 2-5 (P1^1 – P1^4) of the controller. The remaining two switches (both active low) are to start and stop the voting procedure.