This article shows how to develop a interface software that read 2 values from a Microcontroller, through serial port, and show the 2 values in a Website. The process is next: The Microcontroller sends 2 values through serial port, every 2 seconds (in this example). First value must have the following format #0000. Second value must have the following format $0000. The interface software PC_serial_web.c reads the serial port COM1. The interface software PC_serial_web.cgenerate the website pic_serial_web.htm The website pic_serie_web.htm shows the 2 values and auto refresh every 2 seconds.Micro PIC –>( Serial Port)–> PC (PC_serial_web.c)–> Website (pic_serial_web.htm). The fact of to see values of a Microcontroller in a website it’s quite useful for many applications (counters, sensors, etc). Find an example code with the header file in the code tab!!