Bluetooth Temperature Sensors, Automobile Trip Computers with MPG calculation, Remote Controlled Cars… Do these things attract your attention? Well then checking out is a must for you. The Launchpad Times is an electronics blog by Anil Ozyalcin, who is a third-year Electrical Engineering student at the Ohio State University.
This blog deals mostly with Texas Instruments Launchpad Series microcontroller, thereby detailing with some very interesting project descriptions and giving information about how the whole project can be DIY’ed by any electronics enthusiast.
The blogger, Anil, feels himself to be intimidated with the microcontrollers, calling Texas Instruments MSP430 Launchpad to be an important inspiration which inclined him towards working on electronics projects.
The current project which is by far the biggest as per Anil, is a completely custom made 1:10 Scale Ferrari F430 Remote Controlled Car! He is designing the hardware, the firmware, designing out and laying out PCB and anything else you can think of. The project is on-going and he shares updates on it at regular intervals.
The Launch pad times is a blog to be visited regularly as it covers basics about electronics as well as details with intermediate and high level electronic projects. Besides that, it also incorporates all the things that an electronic engineering community lives for, innovative solutions and low-cost practical workarounds!
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