Tic tac toe game body outline
Tic tac toe as multiplayer
Tic tac toe with computer as a player
You can also play with computer. Each and every logic necessary to implement a computer functionality is present in the code. For example attack, defense and check etc.
This is an intelligent code and all the rules and regulations which you see in normal game are present in it. For example if one user select a box than another or the same user can not select it again. Computer as a second player is also very intelligent it blocks you if you are going to win and it also checks if he him self is going to win or not, if he then he doesn’t wait.
The code also checks the wrong inputs if the user select a box which is not between 1 and 9 it displays a message wrong input please select between 1 to 9. If some body wins or their is a tie, the user have the choice to play more or quit.
At the end of each game press any key. On Console a message will appear which says “press N for quit or any other key to play more”. Also at the start of the game it gives you message press 1 for multiplayer game and 2 for computer as a player.
Their are two functions in the code int comp(int a[],int n) && int game(int a[],int n). comp function contains the code for playing with computer and game contains the code making the walls and checks. The main function contains the code of selecting game mode, computer or multiplayer, the multiplayer code and checks on it.
Watch The Project Video Here |
If you want to play game just download the .exe file. Run this file as administrator on your system and enjoy the game. If you need full code of the C++ project it is also available beneath the post. You can modify and use code according to your requirements.
Filed Under: Featured Contributions
Tagged With: c++, code and circuit diagram, tic tac project
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