The story behind the name, in case you are wondering, involves Counter Strike. The hobbyist who made this bot plays it so well, that his friends say they cannot hit him “for a toffee”. Hence, the name.
The ToffeeBot has two servos that are linked to a MicRoCon board by a 3 pin header, and the motors are wired into a 4-way screw terminal. While the battery pack is wired into a 2-way screw terminal. All the components are fixed to the body using tape. Check out the blog (link below) to access the code of the bot.
In the small video below you can see the ToffeeBot operated via a browser. The camera movements and the bot’s direction – forward, back, left and right – can be controlled and commanded, while a live feed of what the camera is capturing can be seen on the browser window. Pretty basic but pretty neat.
The maker plans to add stuff to this bot. There can be improvements and variations in the speed in motor control. There can be catch exceptions in the video feed to stop the server from crashing. And of course, this bot can use an on-board button or two for the servo motor to move while the button is pressed and stop when it is let go off.
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