These days’ traffic congestion is the biggest problem of densely populated cities. The project focuses mainly on three areas – priority mechanism for emergency vehicles like Ambulances, Fire Engines to control the traffic density for their smooth passage and monitoring the traffic junction. This project is a replica of a four way lane crossing in real time scenario. The project proposes primarily the problems faced by emergency vehicles.
RFID concept is used to make green for the Ambulances lane and thus providing a stoppage free way for the Ambulance.
The secondary, importance is given to controlling the traffic density by placing IR sensors used to measure the density of vehicles which are fixed at a fixed distance. If the traffic density is high on particular side, more priority is given for the side where the vehicular traffic is more and green signal is given to this side of the traffic. By using this system traffic can be cleared without irregularities and time delays. A Wireless camera is used to monitor the vehicular traffic time and also monitor the problems which might occur at the junction. A specific allocation of time is given way for smooth passage for pedestrians.
Fig. 1: Image of LCD Module showing status of Emergency Vehicle
Fig. 2: Prototype of 8051 Microcontroller based Traffic Management System for Emergency Vehicles
Fig. 3: Image of LCD Module showing traffic update for Emergency Vehicle
Fig. 4: Image of LCD Module showing traffic update for Emergency Vehicle
Fig. 5: Image of 8051 Microcontroller circuit used in Traffic Management System
Circuit Diagram Explanation
The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured by using Atmel’s high-density non-volatile memory technology and it’s compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional non-volatile memory pro-grammar.
In this project we have used hardwares like
RFID module, IR sensor circuits, MAX232 ic etc.
+5 v regulated power supply is given to all parts in the circuit.
The main aim of the project is to keep focussing on three aspects on traffic control system. They are
1. Priority Mechanism for Emergency vehicles like Ambulances, Fire Engines.
2. To Control the Traffic Density.
3. Monitoring the Traffic Junction.
The first aspect was implemented by using RFID technology for providing priority mechanism for emergency vehicles like Ambulances & Fire Engines.
Basically, this circuit is a replica of a four way lane crossing in real time scenario. This project proposes primarily the problems faced by emergency vehicles. RFID concept is used to make green for the Ambulances lane and thus providing a stoppage free way for the Ambulance.
When we switch ON, the power supply, the circuit first operates on the traffic density operation. A prototype was prepared for the implementation of this project.
In this circuit totally 8 IR sensor circuits is connected in four lane traffic junction. For each side two IR sensor circuits are connected. So for four sides totally 8 sensor circuits are connected. We can connect more IR sensor circuits by using ARM 7 and ARM 9 controllers. But in this project we have used only AT89S52 micro-controller. AT89S52 micro-controller has only 32 IO pins but for this project it was not sufficient, so for each side of junction we connected only two IR sensor circuits. Totally for four sides 8 IR sensor circuits in this project. 8 IR sensor circuits connected at P0^0 – P0^7.
IR sensor is used to measure the density of vehicles which are place in a fixed distance. If the traffic density is high on particular side, more priority is given for that side and green signal is given to that side of the traffic.
In this project two IR sensor circuits is connected on each side. If two sensor circuits outputs
are high, then on that side the traffic density is high. The micro-controller receives the signals from IR sensor circuits and sends the signals to traffic lights to clear that side first by displaying green signal. The four sides SOUTH, NORTH, EAST, WEST signals will operate on these mechanisms. Same operation will happen on other three sides of the junction too.
In this circuit one switch is connected at the micro-controller pin P3^2. When we press the push button for 1 or 2 minutes it will activate emergency vehicles priority operation. If any vehicle arrives in any lane RFID detects the emergency vehicle and sends data signal to micro-controller and micro-controller receives that signal. Then micro-controller sends necessary signals to traffic lights for allowing emergency vehicles to move. These traffic lights are connected to port P3^3 (GREEN), P3^4 (RED).
Same operation will happen on the other three sides of the junction. Supposing on one side two IR sensor circuit outputs are high and other side one IR sensor circuit is high then priority is given to that side of the traffic first. It gives green signal to that side and after the density of the traffic is reduced on that side, priority is given to other three sides of the junction.
Wireless camera is provided at the traffic junction, which will record the videos and sent to the Traffic Monitoring Cell through wireless communication.
a=”” after=”” all=”” allocating=”” also.=”” alt=”13311″ ambulance=”” and=”” are=”” at=”” avoided.=”” be=”” become=”” block=”” by=”” calculate=”” camera=”” can=”” circuit=”” class=”wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_floating_none 0″ cleared=””
connected=”” control=”” controller=”” controller.=”” controlling=”” count=”” counts=”” cross=”” density=”” designing=”” detect=”” detects=”” diagram=”” diode=”” distance.=”” each=”” even=”” explains=”” fixed=”” for=”” four=”” from=”” give=””
given=”” glow.=”” glowing=”” go=”” green=”” happening=”” has=”” header=”Description]</span” help=”” here=”” high=”” if=”” img=”” implemented=”” importance=”” instead=”” interfaced=”” ir=”” irregularities=”” is=”” it=”” junction=”” junction.=”” led=”” line-height:=”” make=”” maximum=”” measure=”” microcontroller=”” module=”” monitor=”” more=”” no=”” of=”” on=”” one=”” operations=”” other=”” p=”” pairs=”” particular=”” path=”” photo=”” placing=”” possible=”” priority=”” problems=”” providing=”” reach=”” reader.=”” receiver=”” red=”” rfid=”” s=”” secondary=”” send=”” sending=”” sensors=”” shall=”” side=”” side.=”” sides=”” signal=”” some=”” span=”” special=”” specific=”” src=”/sites/default/files/imagecache/Original/wysiwyg_imageupload/28714/BLOCK%20DIAGRAMEDTD_1.JPG” strong=”” style=”text-align: justify;” successfully=”” suite.=”” system=”” technology.=”” text-align:=”” that=”” the=”” them=”” then=”” there=”” this=”” though=”” three=”” time=”” title=”” to=”” traffic=”” transmitter=”” two=”” used=”” using=”” vehicle=”” vehicles=”” we=”” when=”” whenever=”” which=”” will=”” wireless=”” with=”” without=”” you=””><strong 89s52=”” a=”” after=”” all=”” allocating=”” also.=”” alt=”13311″ ambulance=”” and=”” are=”” at=”” avoided.=”” be=”” become=”” block=”” by=”” calculate=”” camera=”” can=”” circuit=”” class=”wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_floating_none 0″ cleared=”” connected=”” control=”” controller=”” controller.=”” controlling=”” count=”” counts=”” cross=”” density=”” designing=”” detect=”” detects=”” diagram=”” diode=”” distance.=”” each=”” even=”” explains=”” fixed=”” for=”” four=”” from=”” give=”” given=”” glow.=”” glowing=”” go=”” green=”” happening=”” has=”” header=”Description]Flow Chart
class=”wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_floating_none 0″ cleared=”” connected=”” control=”” controller=”” controller.=”” controlling=”” count=”” counts=”” cross=”” density=”” designing=”” detect=”” detects=”” diagram=”” diode=”” distance.=”” each=””
even=”” explains=”” fixed=”” for=”” four=”” from=”” give=”” given=”” glow.=”” glowing=”” go=”” green=”” happening=”” has=”” header=”Description]</span” help=”” here=”” high=”” if=”” img=”” implemented=”” importance=”” instead=”” interfaced=”” ir=”” irregularities=”” is=”” it=”” junction=”” junction.=”” led=”” line-height:=”” make=”” maximum=”” measure=”” microcontroller=”” module=”” monitor=”” more=”” no=”” of=”” on=”” one=”” operations=”” other=”” p=”” pairs=”” particular=”” path=”” photo=”” placing=”” possible=”” priority=”” problems=”” providing=”” reach=”” reader.=”” receiver=”” red=”” rfid=”” s=”” secondary=”” send=”” sending=”” sensors=”” shall=”” side=”” side.=”” sides=”” signal=”” some=”” span=”” special=”” specific=”” src=”/sites/default/files/imagecache/Original/wysiwyg_imageupload/28714/BLOCK%20DIAGRAMEDTD_1.JPG” strong=”” style=”text-align: justify;” successfully=”” suite.=”” system=”” technology.=”” text-align:=”” that=”” the=”” them=”” then=”” there=”” this=”” though=”” three=”” time=”” title=”” to=”” traffic=”” transmitter=”” two=”” used=”” using=”” vehicle=”” vehicles=”” we=”” when=”” whenever=”” which=”” will=”” wireless=”” with=”” without=”” you=””>
Fig. 6: Flow Chart of C Code used in 8051 Microcontroller based Traffic Management System
Trafic Monitoring Systems
Traffic research has the goal to optimize traffic flow of people and goods. As the number of road users constantly increases, and resources provided by current infrastructures are limited, controlling of density traffic will become a very important issue in the future. However, some limitations to the usage of Traffic Management for Emergency Vehicles system, measuring density of the traffic control does exist.
Avoiding traffic jams for example is thought to be beneficial to both environment and economy, but improved traffic-flow may also lead to an increase in demand. There are several models for traffic simulation. In our research we have focused on optimization of traffic light controller in a city using IR sensor and developed visual monitoring system using micro-controller 89S52.
Traffic congestion is a serious issue these days. The traffic congestion can also be caused by large Red light delays etc. The delay of respective light is hard coded in the traffic light and it is not dependent on traffic. Therefore for simulating and optimizing traffic control for better and smooth flow of traffic there is a greater need for this kind of a system. In this paper we studied the optimization of traffic light controller in a City using micro-controller.
Thus I propose multiple traffic light control and monitoring system. The system tries to reduce possibilities of traffic jams, caused by traffic lights, to an extent. The system is based on micro-controller. The micro-controller used in the system is 89S52 which is MCS-51 family based. The system contains IR transmitter and IR receiver which are mounted on the either sides of roads respectively. The IR system gets activated whenever any vehicle passes on road between IR transmitter and IR receiver. The traffic light is situated at a certain distance from the IR system. Thus based on vehicle count, microcontroller defines different ranges for traffic light delays and updates those accordingly. When there is no density present at the four sides or with very limited density, we are able to provide time for the pedestrians to cross the junction for their convenience.
Fig. 7: Prototype of 8051 Microcontroller based Traffic Management System for Emergency Vehicles with IR Sensor Installation
· This system can also be implemented at major expressway junctions. This shall result in no deployment of a traffic inspector at these junctions for supervising the traffic to run it smoothly.
· This system can also be preferred in metro cities and other urban areas.
· The work which is done by traffic inspector will be perfectly done by the micro-controller in the circuit with the help of sensors and the program which is coded to the micro-controller.
Advantages & Disadvantages
· Ambulance service will no longer be affected by traffic jams
· Use of radio frequency signal (not blocked by objects, fast)
· Over a wide range applicability
· One time investment cost
· The Life of the people is saved
· A modernized way of controlling traffic.
· Number of road accidents can be reduced to a large extent.
· Easy traffic regulation in metropolises such as Delhi, Mumbai etc.
· As infrared waves have Line-of-sight transmission, thus the transmission cannot take place through walls, doors etc. Line-of-sight transmission is blocked by common materials such as people, animals etc.
· The data rate transmission is lower than normal wired communication
· RFID systems are expensive in comparison to normal bar code systems.
· RFID technology is difficult to understand.
In this project we have adopted priority mechanism for emergency vehicles and for larger density areas. We conclude that using this method of density based traffic monitoring system we can save a considerable amount of time and also we can prevent excessive traffic jams thus leading to smooth traffic flow.
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Project Source Code
#include#includesbit rs=P3^7;sbit rw=P3^6;sbit en=P3^5;sbit N_R=P0^0;sbit N_G=P0^1;sbit S_R=P0^2;sbit S_G=P0^3;sbit E_R=P0^4;sbit E_G=P0^5;sbit W_R=P0^6;sbit W_G=P0^7;sbit sw1=P3^2;sbit P_G=P3^3;sbit P_R=P3^4;/*void delay(unsigned char k){int i;TMOD=0X01;TH0=0X00;TL0=0X00;for(i=0;i<=k;i++){TR0=1;while(TF0==0);TF0=0;}//serial_init();}*/void delay(unsigned int t){unsigned int a,b;for(a=0;a for(b=0;b<1275;b++);}void lcdcmd(unsigned char a){int i;P2=a;rs=0;rw=0;en=1;for(i=0;i<10000;i++);en=0;}void lcd_data(unsigned char b){int i;P2=b;rs=1;rw=0;en=1;for(i=0;i<10000;i++);en=0;}void lcd_string(unsigned char ch[]){int i;for(i=0;ch[i]!='�';i++){lcd_data(ch[i]);// i++;}}void lcd_init(){lcdcmd(0x38);lcdcmd(0x01);lcdcmd(0x06);lcdcmd(0x0c);}unsigned char card[15],modem[15],j=0,x;code unsigned char card1[]= "6E0005C45B";code unsigned char card2[]= "6E00051DD9";code unsigned char card3[]= "4C00A1B5CC";code unsigned char card4[]= "4C00A1B5CA";void serintr(void) interrupt 4{if(RI==1){modem[j]=SBUF;j=j+1;RI=0;}}void uart_init(){SCON=0X50;TMOD|=0X20;TH1=0XFD;TR1=1;EA=1;ES=1;}void main(){// int i,y;lcd_init();P1=0xFF;lcd_string("**TRAFIIC....*");// lcd_cmd(0xc0);lcd_string("**CONTROL........*");while(1){if(sw1==0){uart_init();delay(100);j=0;lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string("show card");while(j==0);delay(300);modem[10]='�';lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string(modem);delay(300);if(!strcmp(modem,card1)){lcdcmd(1);lcd_string("north clear");P0=0XFF;P_R=0;P_G=1;N_G=0;S_R=0;W_R=0;E_R=0;delay(500);lcdcmd(0xc0);lcd_string(" ambulance entered");delay(500);goto xx;}if(!strcmp(modem,card2)){lcdcmd(1);lcd_string("south clear");P0=0XFF;P_R=0;P_G=1;N_R=0;S_G=0;W_R=0;E_R=0;delay(500);lcdcmd(0xc0);lcd_string(" ambulance entered");delay(500);goto xx;}if(!strcmp(modem,card3)){P0=0XFF;lcdcmd(1);lcd_string("west clear");P_R=0;P_G=1;N_R=0;S_R=0;W_G=0;E_R=0;delay(500);lcdcmd(0xc0);lcd_string(" ambulance entered");delay(500);goto xx;}if(!strcmp(modem,card4)){ P0=0XFF;lcdcmd(1);lcd_string("east clear");P_R=0;P_G=1;N_R=0;S_R=0;W_R=0;E_G=0;delay(500);lcdcmd(0xc0);lcd_string(" ambulance entered");delay(500);goto xx;}}xx: lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string("TRAFFIC CONTROL") ;if((P1==0x00) || (P1==0X16)||(P1=0x04) ){P_R=0;P_G=1;N_G=0;S_R=0;W_R=0;E_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;N_R=0;S_G=0;W_R=0;E_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;S_R=0;E_G=0;N_R=0;W_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;S_R=0;E_R=0;N_R=0;W_G=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;S_R=0;E_R=0;N_R=0;W_R=0;P_G=0;P_R=1;delay(500);}if((P1_0==1 && P1_1==1) || (P1_0==1)){lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string("NORTH DENSITY HIGH") ;P_R=0;P_G=1;N_G=0;S_R=0;E_R=0;W_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;}else if((P1_2==1 && P1_3==1)|| (P1_2==1)){lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string("SOUTH DENSITY HIGH") ;P_R=0;P_G=1;S_G=0;E_R=0;N_R=0;W_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;}else if((P1_4==1 && P1_5==1)||(P1_4==1)){lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string(" EAST DENSITY HIGH") ;P_R=0;P_G=1;E_G=0;S_R=0;N_R=0;W_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;}else if ((P1_6==1 && P1_7==1)||(P1_6==1)){lcdcmd(0x01);lcd_string("WEST DENSITY HIGH") ;P_R=0;P_G=1;W_G=0;S_R=0;E_R=0;N_R=0;delay(500);P0=0xFF;}}}###
Circuit Diagrams
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