Tic-tac-toe is a classic game which requires no introduction. It is a pen and paper game played between 2 players (marked on paper as ‘X’ & ‘O’).The board setup consists of a 3×3 grid on which each player alternates between each moves. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.This project is an attempt to recreate the classic game in a digital format. To spice things up a bit, instead of using the regular 2 player setup it uses an inbuilt AI mechanism to compete against the player. The project uses an 8×8 LED matrix to display the player’s move. The LED matrix is controlled by a display driver – MAX7219. The MAX7219 takes care of all the multiplexing, decoding and refresh circuitry via SPI interface connected to Attiny85.