A manufacturing firm working at Arkansas, NanoMech, recently came up as one of the first nano-engineering firms that gained the ISO 9001: 2015 certification. It is an internationally known certification that symbolizes highest level of regulatory oversight and standards of customer service. As the CTO and founder of this firm, Ajay Malshe, puts it, “This is the world’s first ISO approval for a true nanomanufacturing factory where multiple divisions co-exist with the converging theme of providing superior productivity to mechanical applications using nanoscale materials science and engineering.”
The firm was founded by Malshe in year 2002 and has been expanding since then. It has mainly been involved in exports of its proprietary coating technology based products all over the world. The development process as well as the final products here include nano-innovations in terms of energy and lubrication, high-strength metal surface coatings, adaptive chemistries for better textile coatings, and significant military applications.
The products generated by Nanomech have a very scope of applications that goes from NASCAR to Indy, agriculture, aerospace manufacturing, as well as construction equipment. ISO 9001 is a special series of certifications that imposes higher benchmarks for practices in manufacturing field. It was last updated in 2015 when ISO 9001 regulations strictly demanded the companies to centralize on inclusion of those services and products under offerings that can meet regulatory and statutory requirements ensuring a better buying experience for customers through effective system applications. Apart from the ISO certification, NanoMech was also labeled as one of the businesses that can be watched in 2011 and was also selected as the Most Influential NanoTechnology Leaders in the List made by NanoBusiness Commercialization Association. In September 2016, the company was rewarded with a US Army contract that assigned it with the task of next-generation combat uniforms developments. Nanotechnology has emerged as one of the most significant research fields in last few decades and it is bound to play a major role in the fields of medicine, consumer electronics, and biotechnology in coming years.
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