Technology, never, ceases to amaze me. Just when you think, it’s all done, some genius will come and blow your mind. Not literally!
So this DIY, does, just that. Again, not literally. You can use you finger’s movement to automate your home, switch on the light or switch it off. See the video, if you don’t believe me.
The best part of this DIY, it doesn’t need a lot of fancy equipment. You need an accelerometer, Arduino, one relay, BC546 and one LED. The Arduino reads the movement of your finger, with the accelerometer and deduces a drawing with continuous mapping. It then checks it against its memory and apply the appropriate conditions. Pretty cool, eh!
You can check out the source link and see how to connect the accelerometer to the Arduino. Download the needed libraries and use the codes given in the source link. You can change them and map your own movements.
With this, you can have your home, at your fingertips. This time, literally!
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