A covered – ion quantum computer would comprise of an assortment of X-junctions with quantum bits created by individual ions, which are trapped above the layer of the quantum chip. Separate quantum bits are analysed simply by altering voltages as simple as tuning a radio to distinct stations. Placing voltage V1 results in zero quantum operationand placing voltage V2 results in a quantum operation on a singular quantum bit, placing voltage V3 results in a specific quantum operation ‘interlinking’ two quantum bits. An arbitrary big quantum computer can be structured based on such easy to engineer approach.
Quantum computers could resolve specific troubles that would take the fastest supercomputer couple of years to estimate in just few milliseconds. They possess the potential to prepare novel materials and medicines as well as to solve the long – standing financial and scientific troubles. Global quantum computers can be created in principle, but the technology limitations are huge. The engineering needed to build one is considered more intricate than manned space travel to Mars.
Quantum computing performed on small scale using trapped ion atoms is carried out by shifting singular laser beams into individual ions with single each ion creating a quantum bit. But, a big – scale quantum computer would require billions of quantum bits, hence needing billions of accurately aligned lasers, one for each of the ion.
Rather, researchers at the Sussex University have introduced a simple technique where voltages are applied to a quantum computer microchip without needing to align the laser beams till the same effect. Lecturer Winfried Hensinger and his entire group also succeeded in illustrating the central building block of such novel technique with an exceedingly impressive low error rate at their quantum computing facility at the Sussex.
Lecturer Hensinger says that,”Such development is a big changer for the quantum computing thereby making it accessible for government and industrial use. We will now construct and create a big – scale quantum computer at the Sussex making complete utilization of such exciting and novel technology.”
The quantum computers at present are expected to revolutionize the entire society in a similar method as the occurrence of classical computers. As confirmed by Dr.SebWeidtwho is also a part of the Quantum Technology Group says that, “Developing and introducing such step altering novel technology has been an excellent adventure and it is completely amazing observing it potentially work in the laboratory.”
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