How 8051 micrococntroller elevator control system works?
Lift Control System using 8051 microcontroller – Project Circuit
89c51 microccontroller Elevator Control system – Project code
Description of the Functions present in the Code
Void Floor() Moving the Elevator Upwards
Void DownFloor() Moving the Elevator Downwards
Void delay() Generating a time delay of some microseconds to be used where necessary
Void Timedelay() Generating a time delay of some seconds to be used where necessary
Void lcdcmd() Sending Commands to 16×2 lcd
Void display() Sending Data to be displayed on 16×2 lcd
void lcdint() Initializing 16×2 lcd
If you don’t know how to use 16×2 lcd and how 7 segment display led bar works. I recommend you to please go through the tutorials below before moving to the project code.
When life/elevator is moving upwards an arrow pointing upward will display on 16×2 lcd representing that elevator is moving upwards. When elevator/lift is moving downwards an arrow pointing downwards will appear on 16×2 lcd screen representing lift is moving downwards. With lift/elevator each floor moving up or down the corresponding led bar will increment or decrements.
Code of elevator control system is open source you can modify and redistribute it. To make it more efficient you can include lift stop and start function using interrupts. Please give us your feed back on the project. Code files are below. folder contains project code written in keil ide.
Watch the Project Video Here
Filed Under: 8051 Microcontroller, Microcontroller Projects
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