The Graphics LCD as the name suggests is a type of LCD which can display graphics. The graphical representation of any data presents good understanding thanjust characters. More user friendly applications can be designed by using the graphical LCDs. The graphical LCD can be used for advertisement boards or information boards and so on. This article explains the method of displaying image on a 128×64 graphical LCD using AT89C52. For basic operations and working, refer Graphics LCD interfacing with 8051. Microcontroller AT89C52 has been used to control the operations of the graphical LCD. The Graphics LCD used here is JHD12864E. This LCD is divided into two parts which are controlled by two different controllers. Each of these parts is divided into rows and columns. For basic instructions and programming procedure, refer to interfacing Graphics LCD with 8051. Also see displaying text on Graphics LCD. Read more to make interesting graphics on this florescent piece of display.