Arduino boards have a built-in analog comparator used for different applications. This is noteworthy because digital input/output and pulse width modulation (PWM) are typically used while analog comparators are not. A built-in analog comparator is useful in microcontrollers, providing voltage comparisons, digital-to-analog conversions, threshold detection, and PWM. Depending on the Arduino board (there are several…
Opamp LM324 as comparator using LDR
This project based on op amp comparator circuit demonstrates the principle of operation of op amp (operational amplifier) as comparator. A comparator [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]compares two voltages fed to it and gives output correspondingly. This circuit finds application as intermediate circuit in numerous circuits where there is need to compare two voltages. This Op amp comparator circuit project uses opamp (IC LM324) as comparator. The output of the comparator is high if voltage at positive end is more than voltage at negative end and gives low output if voltage at positive end is lesser than negative end. Read more to find out how this op-amp comparator circuit works and how it can be constructed in an efficient manner.