STMicroelectronics and Politecnico di Milano (PoLiMi) have inaugurated the expansion of semiconductor-manufacturing capabilities at PoliFab, the University’s micro and nanotechnology R&D center. Building on the long-standing collaboration between the two organizations, the PoliFab’s clean room — a facility where silicon wafers are made into semiconductor chips — has received state-of-the-art equipment from STMicroelectronics to boost…
From the gigantic universe to the little atom, Mother Nature with her amazing organization has bestowed unique worth to everything, to the biggest and to the smallest too. The big world of small, where an ant is a behemoth and thousands of atoms can fit on width of single human hair, You are in the startling world of Nanotechnology; ‘Nano’ it is tinier than the tiniest you can see and think!!Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are closely related terms. Nanoscience is the study and understanding of matter at ‘Nano-scale’, where unique properties allow never imagined applications and Nanotechnology is the way for manifestation of such novel applications. In other words, Nanotechnology is precise manipulation, control and use of matter at nano scale for design, characterization, and production for different applications, phenomenon or for specific technology. It is the engineering and technology conducted at ‘Nano’ scale.