Rain circuit is the device which will really work as you wish what you want to do. It is a device which will generate the signal when the rain comes. The frequency will be more when the rain is heavier and the frequency is very less when the rain will be low. It all means that the frequency will depend upon the rain. We always should focus upon the signal making. Don’t focus on the rest of the part which we have to make it. When we get the signal now we can do anything we want to do.We will make a single wire circuit so that the circuit is easy and every reader can read it. Double wired is quiet complicated and the circuit which is made has to be with IC’s.
Rain Detector using 8051 Microcontroller
Now we are going to learn how to make a rain detector with only a LCD and a microcontroller will control your hole circuit. This controller will give you the data that what is the speed of the rain. You can also make a circuit from this that to make water flowing from the pipe this will take the detail of the water flowing from the pipe and tell you the speed of the rain. You can fit it at very far places and the places where you go very less.You can place it in the office, in that office form where you cannot see outside you cannot tell or predict the speed of rain like if you are in a hall or in the mall. You can make a automatic system which can help you to work in the further process. So let’s begin.