Simple analog communication over the telephone wires to the typical USB cables for data exchange, we surely have come a long way in the field of communication. RS232 was the first milestone reached in this journey. It was a standard for electromechanical typewriters and modems for digital data exchange introduced in 1962 by the Radio Sector of EIA. It made the data exchange more reliable over analog channel. The standard defined voltage levels that made it immune to noise disturbances and reduced the error in data exchange.As the technology was growing many electronic devices were being developed during this time like computers, printers, test instrument etc. There came a time where manufacturers felt the need to exchange information between these electronic devices. For example data exchange between a computer and a printer or two computers. But there was no standard or method to accomplish this task. RS232 was the only available standard at the time which was used for data exchange. So, they thought of adopting this standard in electronic devices for digital data exchange.