In our previous articles on serial data transmission using AVR microcontroller we have demonstrated serial communication using the polling method. In Polling, [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]the microcontroller waits for the RXC flag (in the case of serial receiver) to go high and then moves to the next instruction. This is not a good programming technique to keep the microcontroller busy to monitor the RXC flag. Alternatively, serial interrupts can be used to transmit and receive data. This increases the efficiency of the code and keeps the processor free for other tasks. The article explains serial data reception using interrupts concepts. It is recommended that the readers should study the article on AVR Interrupts before proceeding. The UCSRB register has RXCIE (Reception Complete Interrupt Enable) bit, which is used to enable the serial reception interrupt. The I-bit of SREG register is must be set to enable global interrupt of ATmega16. The circuit diagram is same as used in previous article of USART.