The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices that communicate to perform specific tasks or applications. These devices are extensive and include vehicles, appliances, sensors, software, or web services. Effective communication is crucial in any IoT application, allowing these devices to work seamlessly. In an IoT network, device-to-device communication is distinct.…
IoT Standards and Protocols: IoT Part 3
In the previous tutorial, a basic architecture of an IOT system was discussed. From the discussions in the previous tutorial, it must be clear that communication network is the backbone of any IOT system. It is only the (internet) network that enables IOT devices (boards) and cloud based services and applications to communicate with each other. Without internet network, IOT is nothing. Data communication on an internet network is not as straight forward. There are myriad of heterogeneous devices connected over internet and these plethora of unique devices need to communicate in a secure, reliable and routed fashion.
Using SMTP in the IoT
Controlling IoT devices requires specific apps and settings. But you can also control them using emails since emailing is possible using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), which is on the TCP/IP stack. Therefore, the devices that support TCP/IP stack can use emails as command and control. So, for an application purpose, we will be making…
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a worldwide email transmission standard for receiving email. Mostly, the IMAP (Internet message access protocol) is used. Earlier In the 1960s, one-to-one email communication was used. People used specific mainframe systems in this. As more computers were introduced in the network while the internet was developing,…
Email: Working of Email
Since the dawn of time, communication has played a pivotal role in advance of every great civilization. It has been a constant endeavor to convey things in a fast and secure manner in the absence of which, great empires have just succumbed to crisis. There is an old saying that highlights the feat that a little miscommunication achieved, ‘For the want of a nail, a horseshoe was lost. For the want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost. For the want of a steed, the message was not delivered. For the want of that undelivered message, the war was lost.’ The means to transport and deliver messages have evolved ever since.