At some point, we all wanted those awesome, chic netbooks which were once the ‘in’ thing prior to laptops. What exactly is a netbook some of you ask? A netbook is basically a low power computer capable of word processing, running a web browser as well as connecting wirelessly to the internet.The LapPi is an easy DIY netbook which is basically a Raspberry Pi board imbedded into an aluminium case.
The author has preferred a 7 inch LCD panel and a logic board that comprises of HDMI, VGA, Composite and 2 A/V inputs. The panel has dimensions 800×480. The logic board also comprises of a menu board. The menu board has buttons to select inputs and configure the LCD as well. The concept is pretty simple: The Raspberry Pi is wired to the screen, keypad, mouse and batteries. Then the USB hub is plugged in and the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is wired as well. The other peripherals added are headphone socket and speakers.
The keyboard used is a Mini USB 2.4GHz wireless keyboard and track pad. The operating voltage is 12V for which 8 Alkaline Non-rechargeable cells are used. An 8GB SD card is required as well. For communication purpose, USB GPS dongle, USB Wi-Fi and USB Bluetooth dongle have been used by the author. As the HDMI port of the logic board is being used, HDMI cable is necessary. Also, the Raspy Juice expansion board is needed.
It is necessary to check whether the screen is compatible with the Raspberry Pi. Also, the spacing between the buttons must be measured on the logic board. For this DIY, getting the measurements perfect is very crucial
This is an awesome DIY and is really easy to build as most of the components are easily available. Also, intense knowledge of the Raspberry Pior wireless communication is not necessary. The author has explained the process is 14 simple steps. The author won 2nd place (jointly) at the Raspberry Pi challenge with this project. So go crazy with your very own self-built netbook!
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