An interesting DIY that features a Lego based LED Screen which displays Google Calendar events and weather report of the present and the next day, an RSS subscribed news or news like content and the upcoming Google Calendar events. Useful, right? LEGO set of course is the material for the project – the brick and mortar with which the gadget will be build, while its brain is the Raspberry Pi.
As for the wiring and circuitry, constant AC power is fed through two cables to the project. The maker chooses this because, when a single cable was used, there was some interference between LED display and audio amplifier and you don’t want to have that. With two AC cables, the first one is fed straight to the amplifying power transformer and the second one to the other parts. The audio module (if you want beeps with every new announcement, you will need an audio module) was taken from PC audio speakers. It has four parts: two speakers, one amplifier PCB and one power transformer. In order to avoid low frequency noise at the Raspberry Pi shutdown, the maker puts to use a Relay circuit between the AC power transformer and the power amplifier.
Watch the video below – it shows the different parts used, and the assembling. So basically the LegoLED is constructed right in front of your eye, in a slightly fast forwarded manner. The project is fine, I wish the background music was better.
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