The largest carrier in China is now all set to introduce a completely new network that supports both enterprise and government leased-line services. It will leverage the international standard defined for dynamic adjustment of OTN connection bandwidth.
Fig. 1: Representational Image Showing Microchip’s First DIGI OTN Processors Family
For now, it is only Microchip Technology Inc. that supplies commercial silicon and software supplier for HAO (Hitless Adjustment of ODUFlex) specifications. It is accomplishing this task through its Microsemi subsidiary. It is providing a standard solutions on the basis of DIGI OTN processor family that can enable China Mobile for competing multi-vendor interoperability tests.
China Mobile can now introduce the world’s first bandwidth-on-demand leased-line services providing and offering enterprise and government customers with required flexibility to flex their needed network bandwidth in real-time as workloads keep moving up in the cloud.
The DIGI OTN processor family from Microchip assists carriers in extending their OTN from metro networks over to the access layer to be used in delivering bandwidth-guaranteed, high-availability, and leased line services to enterprises, data center customers, as well as the government. Every single generation of these OTN processors has integrated the HAO functionality to help carriers offer the bandwidth as per requirement.
In absence of HAO, the bandwidth of end-to-end connections would remain fixed and connection would be torn down to change the bandwidth leading to traffic disruption. China Mobile made use of DIGI OTN processors for verifying the readiness of software and technology in support of rolling out bandwidth-on-demand services at a scale needed to support multiple system vendors whose OTN equipment showed interoperability.
What The Maker Has To Say?
The product manager at China Mobile Research Institute, Yunbo Li, says, “China Mobile has deployed bandwidth-on-demand capabilities in our new Government/ENterprise ORN network to benefit from all the advantages of flexible bandwidth and services. We are the world’s first carrier to specify HAO product interoperability requirements and test specifications and now, working with MIcrochip and our ecosystem of equipment providers, we are pleased to have completed a major step toward large-scale deploying this technology and paving the way for it to become part of our new production network operations.”
Microchip has played a key role in creation of HAO specifications as defined in the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) G.7044 standard. The firm is also supporting this technology via a released Software Development Kit for its DIGI-G4, DIGI-120G, and the recent DIGI-G5 OTN processors.
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